The People’s Committees for the Defense of Human Rights of the parishes of Caracas (Coche, Jose Felix Ribas, La Dolorita, La Vega, Montalban, Santa Rosalia, and San Pedro) demanded from the Office of the Ombudsman to safeguard the human right to drinking water of the communities of Caracas affected by the constant violation of their right due to interruptions, lack of maintenance and corruption.
The Committees delivered a legal brief to the Office of the Ombudsman wherein they state repeated claims from the inhabitants of different communities of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas who suffer serious problems related to the water distribution system in the city. Furthermore, they alerted that the absence of drinking water seriously affects the exercise of other human rights, such as the right to health, wellbeing, essential basic services, and quality of life in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to surveys performed by the Committees, the inhabitants of these communities have denounced the serious situation concerning the sporadic and scarce water supply and its bad quality. They alerted that the lack of water, the deterioration and collapse of this drinking water service worsens day by day. They added that Venezuela ranks in fourth place among the Latin American and Caribbean nations in which the greatest inequality of access to water is recorded.
In the context of the current crisis in Venezuela, human rights organizations maintain a continuous effort to record and document the systematic violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the population in order to accompany the victims and give visibility to these violations before the national and international community.
In this sense, the Crisis in Venezuela bulletin emerges as a weekly space in which, as a human rights movement, we bring together the situations that currently reflect the humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is going through.
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