The Venezuelan Medical Federation disproved that Nicolás
Maduro’s de facto government has vaccinated 90% of the first line sanitary personnel against the coronavirus, as affirmed by the Minister of Health, Carlos Alvarado. “It’s a vile and shameless lie. The minister must be made aware of this so he stops lying just like the President Nicolás Maduro, who announced that almost 1.3 million vaccines have arrived to the country”, pointed out the President of the FMV, Douglas León Natera, through a statement.

According to León Natera, who assured that the vaccines that have arrived to the country barely cover “the needs” of 0.8% of the Venezuelan population, “one million doses are required for the sanitary staff in general and between 40 and 50 million applications to vaccinate the Venezuelan population”. He also indicated that “at most” some 200,000 doses have been destined to the sanitary sector and to part of the population, the rest have been directed towards people linked to the government.

“The vaccines that arrived were deviated to immunize ministers, members of parliament, and government officials, forsaking sanitary personnel, who are in the first line in the fight against COVID-19”, pointed out the physician. On Sunday, Maduro said that not long ago (without establishing a date) 1,300,000 new doses had arrived to Venezuela that would be added to the ones previously received and whose number is questionable, due to the fact that it constantly varies, according to the officer that referred to the information.

In the context of the current crisis in Venezuela, human rights organizations maintain a continuous effort to record and document the systematic violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the population in order to accompany the victims and give visibility to these violations before the national and international community.

In this sense, the Crisis in Venezuela bulletin emerges as a weekly space in which, as a human rights movement, we bring together the situations that currently reflect the humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is going through.

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