Our History

The Venezuelan Program for Education and Action on Human Rights (Provea) was created in Caracas on October 15, 1988 as a non-governmental organization whose efforts were focusd on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR), without neglecting the interdependence and integrity of the set of human rights.

Its founders are Ligia Bolívar, who had just worked with Amnesty International; Dianorah Contramaestre, experienced in the Christian-based communities located in Caracas’ neighborhoods; and Raúl Cubas, one of the arrested and disappeared by the Argentinean dictatorship at the ESMA (Escuela de Suboficiales de Mecánica de la Armada).

Provea provides education and legal support to vulnerable sectors that are victims or potential victims of human rights violations; documents and investigates their situation; and denounces abuses of power and human rights violations by working along with other social and popular organizations and movements.

Through perseverance and fidelity to the values of independence, autonomy and the principles of human rights, Provea has been consolidated as a highly credible NGO in broad sectors of the country. Since its inception, it promotes the humanist and transforming contents present in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the aim of contributing to the construction of a democratic society based on pluralism, solidarity and participation, as well as social and economic equality, without any kind of discrimination.


Our goal Is to be an NGO specialized on the defense and promotion of Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights, aiming at making human rights and the respect for rule of law a complete reality, within the parameters of a democratic and participative society. All our actions are directed towards the benefit of the victims or potential victims, widening the scope of their message voices and the social consciousness of their rights.


  • Document, investigate and denounce the human rights situation in Venezuela from a comprehensive and multidisciplinary prespective.
  • Promote and educated in and from human rights perspectives.
  • Support and assess social groups in the legal and -legal defense of human rights before national and international institutions.
  • Promote public policies and legislation that is favorable to human rights.


  • Contribute in the creation of a democratic, fair and participative society within the framework of a democratic state that guarantees the force of social justice and full respect of the human rights.
  • Base actions on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as on their regional and international declarations and instruments of protection and promotion, on the guarantees contained in the national constitution and the national norms contained in human rights.
  • Position the comprehensive and interdependent vision of human rights.
  • Be independent and autonomous from any political party, economic group, religious institution, international organization or government.
  • Demand the respect to the autonomy of organizations, groups and individuals from their action.
  • Believe in the practices of multiple disciplines and solidarity, respectful to the internal democracy, pluralism and management transparency.


  • Improve the human rights situation in Venezuela, especially the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as a foundation for a true democracy.
  • Prevent the human rights violations, especially of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
  • Contribute to the comprehensive strengthening of human rights in Venezuela.
  • Promote the actions of social demand in terms of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, promoting the social alliances between organizations of human rights, development NGOs and other social organizations.
  • Contribute to the enforcement and application of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both nationally and internationally.
  • Provide support to the progressive development of the norming and institutional framework within the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, so that is coherent with the constitutional and international principles in human rights matters.
  • Oversee for the strengthening and institutional positioning of Provea, nationally and internationally, as a human rights organization specialized in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


General Coordinator

Rafael Uzcátegui

exigibilidad@derechos.org.ve @marinoalvarado
Research Coordinator

Lissette González

investigacion@derechos.org.ve @LissetteCGA
Demanding Coordinator

Marino Alvarado

exigibilidad@derechos.org.ve @marinoalvarado

Our Team


Acknowledgement for its great support and stimulus to the development of the Venezuelan youth, through the participation in the Forum “Youth facing Human Rights.” (November 29, 1995)

On Human Rights (November  24, 1996)

For its work in benefit of human rights (December  10, 1999)

Acknowledgement. As a faithful sample of admiration to the Guaicaipuro council as a result of the valuable support provided in the promotion of development and strengthening of our municipality (February  8, 2001)

Acknowledgement. For their trust, facilitation, technical support and financing of six modules on the realization of the “Project empowerment for ESCR.” (September 7, 2003)

Certificate of honor. For twenty years of hard work, promoting, spreading and defending human rights in Venezuela and contributing, therefore, to the development of a better country (October  17, 2008)

Acknowledgement. For the valuable and selfless collaboration and solidarity of Provea in the defense to the right of free education in the USB and Venezuela (November 21, 2008)

Prize. For the admirable contribution to the cause of human rights and democratic development (December 7, 2010)

For their ineffable daily work in the struggle and work for the defense, promotion and dissemination of human rights (December 11, 2012)

For its work documenting and promoting human rights in Venezuela (March 15, 2018)

For the consistent work in the defense of human rights and democracy (March 5, 2021)

For its courage investigating human rights violations, supporting victims, and for promoting the rule of law and democracy in Venezuela (May 9, 2024)

Institutional Image

Provea, throughout the years, has optimized its institutional image. Now, you can download a curved version of our logo.